Hi, I am Cerqu, the whole ARG creator. I made this page just to ramble about life, I guess.

Life hasn't been easy for me recently.

Not that it was ever supposed to be easy.

But nowadays, it really sucks.

Recently, school has taken a major toll on me to the point where I tried taking my own life multiple times.

At one point, I stopped attending school altogether, and for some time, I hated myself for ruining everything.

Then, after a ton of inner struggles and pressure coming from both the school and my parents, I decided to drop school.

In my head, I thought that it was better to chase something that would make me happy.

It's just not worth going back into such a depressing and life-threatening cycle.

Before the whole MBRI thing and whatnot, the series was supposed to be about that.

Though I'm really glad that I did reboot the series because it was bad.

Nowadays, I am better mentally and no longer think about those thoughts that much.

Of course, I still think of situations for my characters in my own story but never to myself.

There is no pressure coming from the school anymore, but my parents still bug me about it with reason.

They keep asking me what I would do with my life from now on, and the response, at least from me, was a no-brainer.

I'll be a YouTuber, I said, but for that to work, I will need to show results to my parents.

If you like what I do and want to support me, click here and please subscribe.

For me, every view is a win and a step closer to the goal of being a YouTuber.

Thank you all.